Saturday, January 31, 2009

Vintage Sewing Pedal Goes Contemporary

This polka dotted delight was retrieved from an old sewing machine that had seen better days. Paired with only one other element, it makes for a very practical desk organizer for my daughter.

Twenty-five pounds of stacked black rusty free weights make up the base. I found these for, you guessed it...FREE! You can't get any better than that.

Next item $20 Goodwill find. An old WHITE sewing machine cabinet. Right away I spotted the cool circles on the pedal and knew I wanted to use it for a project. More will come from the other parts, don't you worry.

Once dismantled, by keeping the rod running through this cast iron lovely, I was able to just slip it inside the center of the stacked barbell weights. Nice and sturdy.

Alas, my daughter can use this magnetic stand for all her party invites (isn't that puppy cute!), her to-do lists, and it even comes with a built-in pen holder.

I like simple projects, how about you? As always, take care and keep on junking!


  1. No, that is sophisticated junk! Fab as always, Candy!

  2. Love it but...but...what did you do with the rest of the cabinet?

    The Texas Woman

  3. That looks great! You are just to creative Candy! Krista

  4. O.K. now that is just too cute!! Genius I say.

  5. Very nice! You never cease to amaze! ~Mindy

  6. Now that's what I can creative. I love it! I'm off to look around your blog some more.

  7. How cute! You have the best ideas Candy!

    I tagged you for a little fun game!

  8. New to blog's so I'm looking around and so glad I found you. I LOVE Junking too and can't wait for yard sale season to start.
    I'll look around some more and be back...
