Friday, March 20, 2009

Zero Landfill - Grass Roots Effort in my Own Back Yard

Imagine my surprise finding out from my mom about a pilot program called ZeroLandfill in Akron, Ohio who's main objective is keeping leftover samples previously used by architectural and interior design companies from ever reaching a landfill. An example is shown below.

These leftovers are then provided free to local artists, educators and junkers across the Buckeye state. The best news is the program has been so well received it will continue to grow across the land to other states too!
Check out ZeroLandfill for more information. What a fantastic program!


  1. This is great! It is nice to see my home state doing something so positive! (grew up not far from Akron, Wooster area) Hope it makes its way to upstate ny

  2. Great idea! I love it when folks are forward thinkers. The flowers in your header are beautiful! ~Mindy

  3. My first thought is wow that's great! My second thought is what cand I make those books?

  4. That is a great idea! I'm all about keeping stuff out of the landfills.

  5. Fabulous idea!!! Save the landfills, if only everyone would get on board! Thanks for sharing this great info. Have a great weekend. Krista

  6. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful idea!

    The Texas Woman

  7. What a cool idea - and free stufff!! I work for an architect, so I have access to all our outdated stuff - and have a whole stack of ceramic tile samples - to do some mosaic work... Now, I think I'll go take a look at some wall fabric... - how about a patchwork wall??? Maybe a little too over-the-top?? ha ha

    I know you'll be checking this stuff out for sure!! :)

  8. I just love your blog. I spend the last 2 hours reading all your post, you have really great ideas. I can wait to get started on some of them. Thanks and please keep blogging!

  9. Hi Candy! I got back home from Florida this week and your nice package was waiting for me. Thanks so much! I've already been through the magazine several times and I'm getting ready to view the DVD again. They're great!

    Stop by my blog if you have a chance - I'm having my first little blog giveaway this month!


  10. Wonderful idea... hm lots of projects/ideas are running through my head.
    I sent a blog award your way if you choose to accept.
