Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hunt & Gather

One of the biggest highlights of my trip to Minnesota, was visiting Hunt & Gather in Minneapolis. I was so happy Sue included it on our agenda all along! Even though I'm an Ohio girl, I have read multiple articles about this shop as well as its cool owner, Kristi Stratton. Boy, does she have a fun style! Take a looksie at my snapshots to get a small taste of this place. There's no doubt you'll add it to your "places to go before I die" list.

We were finally able to get Sue off this thing once we hid her quarters.

Don't you just love seeing a "lower level" sign when you're in a shop you love?

Little did I know Renee from the beautiful blog Cottage Lifestyle lives just blocks away! During my visit, I remember making comments about how adorable all the houses were in the surrounding area so it didn't surprise me!

Have I introduced you to this "must see" shop or did you already know about this cool little gem? I definitely could have spent HOURS here, but unfortunately the clock was ticking. On to our next junk jaunt...

As always, take care and keep on junking!


  1. You definitely introduced me to that little gem (though the name kind of rings a bell). I WILL be going to Minnesota in September, and I will add this to my agenda. Not really sure how I'll pull it off (but I will). My 2 daughters and I have different interests and of course one day is set aside for my Junk Bonanza trip and one day is for their Mall of America. But hey, my car, my gas, MY RULES! Hunt & Gather it is!
    Thanks for the great post (as always).

  2. Cool place. Didn't know about it. I feel like I will never catch up on y'alls good times! It's so bad when one gets behind on reading, ya know? ugh. Keep on sharing! I'll catch up eventually! ~Mindy

  3. Oh fun, fun stuff. I could spend a serious amount of time (and $$) in there!!

  4. Candy, so bummed I didn't connect with you when you were at Hunt and Gather. Several items in my home are from the shop. Two of my favorite dealers are Sandy and Kay. Thanks for the mention on your blog today.

    Renee @ Cottage Lifestyle

  5. Oh that place looks like a goldmine!! HOw fun! Thanks for all the great pics! I need to return to Minnesota soon!

  6. I know...don't you just love it there. Everytime I am in MN i stop by too. Last month, after visiting Sue's garage sale, I picked up a big jar of fishing bobbers and a fabulous set of 6 pull down wall maps from a school. (wall rack included) What a find.

  7. Candy, I can't believe you got all those pics... And Sue riding the horse - where the heck was I??? (wandering and dreaming I guess - so much cool stuff there)

    Anyway - I loved it all too - and we definitely HAVE to go back! Nice post my friend!

    Hugs, Kathy

  8. Okay, I keep trying to post on Blogger and it keeps disappearing!!!! Dang Blogger! I'll try another browser. Okay, sorry. I'll get my composure . . . LOL! All better now. Okay back to my post. Thanks a zillion girls for coming. Love your pics, Candy, from H&G. The colors there are amazing! And Sue on the horse is a hoot! We can't wait a whole year to get together again. We have way to much fun. Take care and hugs!


    PS Cross your fingers . . . hope it works this time!

  9. Great post Candy. It truly is a gem and in my top 10 favorites in Minnesota. One of my top 4 antique shops though. Great phtoso and all around post. Love the photo of Sue on the pony. Glad you were able to sneak it in between the French Flea/lunch at Lani's and the pontoon ride/dinner at Lord Fletcher's. That was a full day! Of course every day was. lol
