Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dish Rack Repurpose

Photo from Etsy WTF

I received a great deal of response from my retro orange dish rack post from a couple of days ago. One commenter even asked what she should do with her old dish drainer, and for a second I dreamed of having a "Dear Candy" column in a magazine nor newspaper for those seeking junking advice. ;)

It read:
I need your help, I'm asking because you are a genius and will know the answer. I have an old rack sorta like yours, but really old and rusty. (I love it!) How can I decorate with it? Everywhere I put it, it doesn't look quite right. It just kind of looks like a dish rack misplaced. Show me some ideas...please! :)
with Barnes Yard

And I said:
Jill, you have a a wonderful blog filled with family, junking and funny quips throughout. I am sure you're quite busy and can appreciate organization. Why not make your rusty dish rack a functional piece and not just decor?

First, spray your rusty piece with a few coats of clear polyurethene. That way it keeps all rust intact so it doesn't leave marks on everything you place inside. My first thought for you was to use it as an organizer on a desk or work space like the photo above. Add file folders, little tea cups as containers to hold paper clips, pens and rubber bands.

Or what about an herb garden?

Photo from Inhabitant

Add cute little potted herbs using vintage forks pushed in the dirt as sign posts telling what herb it is. You could also pot the herbs in teacups, but make sure you have proper drainage.

These are just a couple of ideas I had off the top of my head. I have a busy day ahead of me so I must run! Thanks for the question, Jill, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

As always, take care and keep on junking!


  1. Candy! I knew you would come through for me! I'm loving the idea of using it for organization on my desk. So cute and functional for all my kids' papers from school and such. Thank you!
    Hmmm...what could my next "Dear Candy" be???

  2. I've got a red one filled with "altered" file folders. But I love the idea with the herbs!

  3. Great ideas Candy...I especially love the organziation one!!!
    Happy day.
