Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Just Tinkering Around Today

Unfortunately toys won't be involved. I am actually organizing the dining room today! Since it isn't used very often due to having an eat-in kitchen, objects tend to pile up quickly in this room...similar to the open storage concept except a dumping action occurs here. Boo.

Wish me luck!

As always, take care and keep on junking!


  1. Okay - GOOD LUCK!!! This morning I hit my "storage room"... which is just a fancy term for "household dump"...

    Have fun!!!
    ;-) Robelyn

  2. Must be that time of year for clearing/cleaning out! I'm in the process of working on my craft studio that has been a "dumping" station soon after its revamp over a year ago...yikes! I think it's going to take quite a few days. Oh my, i guess a little bit at a time will have to work...hope yours goes well too!

  3. I won't let you see my house! LOL! Haven't even gotten to take Christmas down yet. Next week! Now I want to see a JMS project out of the tinker toys. LOL!

  4. Oh, c'mon! I wanna see your dining room! Show us a photo...make me feel better about myself!

  5. Good luck--those tinker toys intrigue me, even if you aren't using them. I am having my first linky party and would love if you would join.
