Hi all! I won't make excuses for my absence and claim how busy I've been (everybody's busy, right?), but thought it only fair I'd share with you why I've been away.
Things have finally caught up with me in my household. As some of you know, my husband is completing his MBA in addition to working full-time in his job which includes some travel. This leaves me and the girls on our own quite a bit. Let me tell you, I now have a GREAT appreciation for single parents raising their children well. Admittedly it has gotten really tough keeping up with
my three children, their homework, activities, house cleaning, disciplining... well, just parenting. It's especially rough when you do not have much (any) extended family support.
Sooooo, after reviewing everything that needed to be done in my day, I decided to take a break from blogging and posting online much. My house is slowly being put back in order, my girls are happy to have more fun with mom, and I'm feeling much better about things.
Best of all...hubs graduates in about 12 weeks! Woot! I am hoping to get back in the swing of things with some junk projects so stay tuned!
So in the meantime, here are a few things we've been up to...

We had a "hands-off" Thanksgiving by traveling a few hours south to Columbus, Ohio. A waterpark hotel was in order! We stayed for three days, two nights...

enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving feast that was prepared by the hotel staff!
We attended a couple of Christmas programs...

The girls enjoyed their free-to-decorate-how-they'd-like candy-themed Christmas tree.

They did a beautiful job!
And we baked sweets for the holidays including chocolate chip bars, jumbles, hundreds and thousands, bark and Hollywood Squares. 

Thank you to those that visited my blog and continued to follow during my absence. I am really looking forward to catching up with all of you as well as spend time with my family. Love to you all!