This post has E-A-S-Y written all over it. Well, not exactly. It actually has a *C* and an *A* and the letters B-O-X and a number of numbers written all over it, but you will see what I mean about the easy part the further you read.
I came across these cool black vinyl letters and numbers in varying sizes at a closeout store recently. And at a price of only $1.69 a pack, how could I go wrong?
These slick beauties do a lovely job reminding me when a box is a box...
...and add numerical flair to my otherwise plain white vintage doorknob.
But what I appreciate most is their Grade A performance on my ironstone.
So all that is needed to update an array of vintage collectibles, is a nice dose of alpha-numeric peel-n-stick stickies! How easy is that!
I guarantee, if you decide to attempt this project, you won't be stuck on it for long. Please come back and share your results with us!
I'd like to take a moment to thank all the bloggers that responded to my Looking for Blogs to Fan and Follow post. Many of the blogs that were listed, I recognized, but I realized I hadn't visited them in quite a while. What a great reminder of what I've been missing out on! And the blogs that were new to me have really been so much to look at as well!
I wanted to highlight those that responded so everyone would be able to see what I came across. Here are the first ten that were listed.
My dining room is slowly being transformed from a traditionally decorated room to one with more of a rustic industrial feel. Here is one of the shelving units I used to give you an idea of where I am going with the room style-wise. (Follow up posts to come).
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Well, this beholder thinks this is definitely a beauty!
By the way, I found this metal shelf by the roadside. The homeowner even helped me load it into my van! Gotta love that!
This shelf became the perfect piece to store my favorite vases. I love the vintage green one shown. Found at a thrift store for only $0.50.
Mason jars with zinc lids come in handy in the dining room. I've added all kinds of doodads inside them and they simply add the coolest charm to any area in your home.
How do you like my $0.99 white African Violet?
I've had the shimmery vintage ice bucket shown below for many years now. Not only does it add great style at parties, it also brings a shiny bling to my shelf display when not in use, wouldn't you say?
This vintage military loaf pan works hard in this room. Each section is fantastic for holding dining room necessities like candles, their holders, cloth napkins, and more! Check out more fabulous loaf pan uses at Miss Mustard Seed's Creative Blog. You'll love them!
Some of you may recognize this burlap sack wall art piece from a previous post of mine. I decided it looked a hundred times better in this room so I moved it right in! Movable junk is always good.
So there you have it! The kickoff to my dining room redo actually came about because of the help of one man who loaded his roadside freebie metal shelf into my van. What a guy!
Have you ever had someone help you take away their "junk" before? What kind of stories can you share with us? I'd love to hear them!
And thank you all so much for providing so many blogs for me to take a look at! Some are new to me and many I recognize. I can't wait to stop by for a visit! If you'd like to share your blog with me, click here to leave your url.
My apologies for being away this past week. My desktop computer is having troubles and I admit I am not a big fan of creating blog posts from my Netbook. I am, however, looking forward to sharing upcoming posts with everyone. I have been a decluttering machine lately which leaves more time (and space) to complete some long overdue junk and vintage-style projects.
In the meantime, I would LOVE to find blogs that I haven't had the pleasure of coming across yet! If you would like to help me out with this, just leave a comment listing your blog url. Oh, and I would love to become your Facebook fan or friend too. Just let me know how to find you there. If you are not sure if I am a follower of your blog or not, no worries, just leave your url and leave it all to me to check! Besides, other posters will be able to take a peek at your site.
I am most interested in vintage, modern country, budget decorating, shabby, industrial, retro, foodie, junk, flea market, thrifting, garage sale-ing, DIY, family, and eclectic-style blogs but am not limited to only these types.
Thanks so much for providing more inspirational blogs to my search! I would love it if you followed and fanned me as well! You can kindly do that on my sidebar if you choose. :)
Take care and I look forward to checking out your neck-of-the-woods soon!
"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." - Alexander Graham Bell
Good day to all! I wanted to share my latest find with you. Will you join me in my excitement? I found this gorgeously crazed ironstone platter during a not-so-thrilling shopping experience yesterday. Thankfully I was able to come away with this beauty in hand.
Measuring in at 16" x 11.5", it's a pretty decent sized platter. According to, my lovely ironstone has the markings used between 1890 - 1907. Cool, eh? I won't reveal how much I paid for it though. It's somewhat shameful how cheap it was.
Don't you think this J&G Meakin platter is crack-a-lackin', but without all the cracks? (It does have a lot of crazing though, which is definitely my thing.)
See the neat little "14" impressed on the bottom? It's about the details, folks. It's all about the details. ;)
That's enough about me and my fabulous onto the real goodies! Kathy of Sylvia's Vintage Daughter is celebrating her 1 year anniversary as a blogger! Yippeeee! Congrats to Kathy! Take a stroll on over to check out her giveaway! It ends Saturday, March 5th, so don't miss out!
See...she's calling up folks to tell them about her giveaway as we speak! And if you don't know her already, I guarantee you'll love her!
Okay, folks, get ready to roll up your sleeves for this fixer upper project. I just hope everyone can keep up with me on this one. ;)
I found this blue mason jar at a rummage sale, complete with acrylic garden art attached. Since this type of artwork doesn't really fit in with my decor, I continued to examine the jar and determined it had good, glass. So I turned it rightside up to read the price tag...
$17.95!! The junk gods must be crazy! Hmph! (But it does have good glass, right?)
Actually, the price for me was $0.25. It appears the church rummage sale where I found it had received donations from a local antique mall. I guess the bargain gods stopped in that day.
Okay, back to the fixer-upper part. Check those sleeves of yours to make sure they're rolled up!
Supplies needed: acetone nail polish remover paper towel
Gently pour a small amount of acetone onto your paper towel and get that elbow grease working by rubbing it overtop the acrylic paint. Aren't you glad I reminded you to roll up your sleeves? This is hard work, people!
Whew! Thank goodness my $0.25 investment worked out or this post would have been embarrassing, wouldn't you say?
Now that I know what I am capable of, I think the next project in line will be resurfacing the kitchen cabinets. What do you think?
I am a self-made junker with a *sweet* disposition. Words I live by: reuse. repurpose. reinvent. refresh. refine. recycle. reclaim. remodel. restore. rescue. redeem. and rust.
Please visit my blog often for vintage style and junk decor ideas. I'd love to hear from you as well. junksophisticate(at)yahoo(dot)com